A few weeks back we were at the student fair at James Cook University in Townsville. This was the first of our university visits that has since taken us to the University of Wollongong and the University of New South Wales. We should be hitting a college near you at some point in the coming weeks or months.
The university fairs are a great way for us to meet students — young and old — who have an interest in traveling to Nepal and experiencing village life for themselves. The reception has been great at each college we visited, and has been accompanied by a host of enquiries and signups for our Special Student Programs, many of which are coming close to filling up.
Som is taking a bit of a rest in the picture above, with his young son Ciaran.
We don’t take signups for our volunteer programs on these trips, preferring to give the students a little breathing space and time to do some research on Nepal and what volunteering with us involves. The last thing we want is spur-of-the-moment volunteers who don’t really have what it takes to live in a small village in Nepal.
Signups — from students and others — tend to come in a day or two later, via our website.